Money Saving Tips for Seniors Shopping on a Fixed Income

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06/25/2014 9:00 AM

Money Saving Tips for Seniors Shopping on a Fixed Income

mone_saving_tips_seniorsSeniors no doubt, can give the rest of the population money saving tips on all kind of things with their years of experience, but helpful hints are always worth repeating. But, just in case some of these money saving tips have slipped your mind, regardless of your age, you’ll appreciate reading them whether it’s the first time or twentieth time. 

Shop Second hand stores

Because of the nature of second hand stores it’s important to shop often. What they don’t have today, they may have tomorrow. Most second hand stores receive dozens of donations of clothing, household goods and electronics every day, providing you with as much variety to choose from as a regular retail store. In Northern California, the Arc of Butte County has three second hand stores with specials posted several times a week on its Facebook page. If you’re not a Facebook user, have your grandchildren show you the ropes. There are a lot of money saving tips on the internet.

Shop Locally

Learn the names of the cashiers and managers at your favorite second hand store or locally owned retailer. Often times they will give you a heads up on newly received merchandise or donated goods if they are familiar with what you’re typically looking for. If you want the clerks to be on the lookout for a particular item, and they know you, they’re more likely to hold that item for you and notify you when it comes in. 

Shop in bulk

When shopping at a big box store and buying in bulk, you generally get better prices than buying items individually. Chances are though, you don’t need 10 cans of corn, 500 paper plates, or a case of melons all at once, so split the product and split the price with your friends, family and neighbors and everybody wins.

Buy seasonal items when they’re out of season

You probably don’t need a pair of shorts and a T-shirt in January, but the price will be less expensive if you buy it then and save it for those hot summer months.

Buying a sweatshirt or a jacket in July might make some people scratch their heads wondering why you’re buying those cold weather items, but you’ll know it’s because you’re being smart and actually saving money by purchasing your winter clothing in the summer when it’s more likely to be on clearance.    

Ask for Discounts & Coupons

One of the best money saving tips for seniors is asking if the store you’re shopping in offers a senior discount or if they have coupons available. Because business owners know that seniors are on a fixed income and often have caps on their spending abilities, they often have a “senior discount day” where everything is discounted. Don’t be shy about asking if it isn’t posted.

One of the best ways to save money is to scour newspapers, magazines and yes, the internet for money saving coupons. Retailers, wholesalers, and second hand stores all offer coupons. You might have to search for them, or you may only have to ask at the cash register where you can find them. You can download $5 off a $15 purchase coupon to take to the Arc Store below.

Living on a fixed income for a senior citizen can be stressful or fulfilling, depending on the circumstances. Whether you are savoring your senior years because of a nest egg or comfortable pension or rely on social security and being budget savvy, everyone enjoys saving money and boasting about the bargains they find.
