Money Saving Tips: Fun (and Cheap!) Summer Date Ideas

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08/11/2014 9:21 AM

Money Saving Tips: Fun (and Cheap!) Summer Date Ideas

451829551Dating doesn’t have to be expensive. Yes, it’s great to splurge on a fancy dinner every now and then but when you’re trying to save money you have to find alternatives for every day dates. Check out this list of fun and cheap summer date ideas!

Find a new swimming hole

The summer heat makes a lot of dates seem less than ideal, especially if they involve being out in the sun and sweating through your dress or shirt. Gross. Why not just stay in your bathing suit then and not worry about any of that! Thankfully, swimming is still free for the most part—take advantage of it while you can! 

Check out a new swimming hole or part of the lake or river that you and your date have never been to. Exploring and going on an adventure costs you very little and helps to connect with your date.

Play tourist in your own town 

Being a local in your town, you probably haven’t taken advantage of some awesome things that surround you. Hop on your bikes and take a tour around your town checking out popular spots, museums and pieces of artwork you often overlook. Learning about history and art is fun and helps spark conversation. It also doesn’t cost ya a dime. Score!

Go on a hike

Burning calories and sweating out endorphins while outside has been proven to lower stress and make you a happier person (New York Times). Plus, you’ll be doing it together. It’s always more fun to work out with a buddy!

TIP: Make sandwiches at home to bring for a picnic!

Hit up a farmers’ market

Farmers’ markets are free and are a great place to have a summer date. There’s often music, people watching, food and flowers. If you’re looking to save money this is a great place to grab a bite to eat while on your date because there will most likely be food trucks around. Try a few different ones and share your different picks to experience new food. Eating at a farmers’ market and falling in love while surrounded by locals and fresh produce just screams summer date. Don’t ya think?

TIP: If you’re going to buy fruit or flowers wait until the market is almost over and you can often name your own price or buy the items for a discounted rate because the merchants are trying to sell everything before they leave.

Work on your fitness

If you and your date like doing physical activities then hit up your local gym! If you’re really feeling adventurous or want to have a good laugh do a silly group class together you wouldn’t normally do—like Zumba. It’ll be sure to entice some laughter and good memories.

Go treasure hunting at your favorite thrift store. 

If both of you like to shop [even if one doesn’t] one of the best money saving tips we can offer is going on an adventure to your favorite thrift store. You can find just about anything! Go with an idea in mind. Whether it’s shopping together for that Halloween idea you’re planning way in advance or to find a fun DIY project to do together you’re bound to find great deals! If you’ll be shopping at The Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise or Oroville, download and bring in the coupon below with you!

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