Money Saving Tips: Planning a Family Vacation on a Budget

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05/28/2014 11:57 AM

Money Saving Tips: Planning a Family Vacation on a Budget

family on vacationEveryone loves going on vacations. But you know what’s not to love about vacationing? The price! If you’re looking for how to go on a vacation while sticking to a budget keep on reading to learn some awesome money saving tips. Your wallet will thank you!

Plan Early

If you want to save as much money as you can on your next vacation start planning as early as you can. Ideally, a year in advance for a regular [week long or couple days] vacation should be good but for something longer you may want to give yourself more time. The longer you save your money and plan things out the more prepared you will be. Plus, you will have more time to scope out the best deals and won’t feel pressured into buying something just because you’re in a time crunch.

Companies know this and charge you the most money when you book last minute whether it is airline tickets, hotel fees or event ticket prices. You save the most money when you book many months in advance. However, in some cases like finding flights, you can only book up to 6 months in advance.

Use Discount Websites

In order to find the best deals on flights and hotels check discount websites where you can name your own price like:

For more sites click here

Pack Your Own Food

Instead of eating out for every single meal plan to bring food for at least one or two of your meals during the day. If you’re able to, bring an ice chest of breakfast and lunch foods and snacks.

TIP: Coffee adds up! Instead of making that Starbucks run every single morning buy the bottles of Starbucks coffees that come in six or twelve packs at the store. You’ll save a lot of money but still be able to get your caffeine fix. Here’s a crazy stat for you: In a study done in 2012 by Accounting Principals, an average American worker is shelling out more than $20 a week on coffee, for a yearly average of $1,092. (Consumerist)

Get Friendly With Your Sleeping Bag

Go camping! This is a sure-fire way to save a chunk of your money on that next vacation. Roll out your sleeping bag and bust out that tent if you want to save on that next family vacation. You’ll have no hotel fees and you’ll get in touch with nature. Plus, kids love camping! Nothing better than the great outdoors!

If you don’t have outdoor equipment, check your local thrift stores frequently before your vacation. They often have good camping equipment for a fraction of the price when buying new.

Choose Certain Seasons/Time To Travel

Choose wisely when it comes to the time of year you are planning that family vacation. Deciding to go on a vacay in winter instead of summer for example could save you a whole lot of money. Also, booking flights mid week instead of on the weekends can save you a lot of money because most people are vacationing on the weekend. So if you can get the time off from work to travel during the week, it’s a smart move and your wallet will thank you!

Check out some additional money saving tips in this short video:

We hope these money saving tips help you plan your next family vacation! Bon voyage!

Check out your local thrift stores to find travel essentials for your trip using the tips and tricks below:
