Money Saving Tips: Take Advantage of Your Student Discounts

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08/28/2014 1:10 AM

Money Saving Tips: Take Advantage of Your Student Discounts

money saving tips for studentsAre you a student? Did you know you could be saving a lot of money by taking advantage of student discounts around town? It’s true! Almost every business, event or restaurant you go to most likely offers some sort of student discount. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know! 

Here’s some situations/places where your student I.D. may help you save money: 


Often times restaurants will have a board with their student discount special on it if you live in a city that is aware of students or live near a college or high school campus. Otherwise, just ask. You can save a couple dollars and get much more food by getting a student discount. Can’t deny that as a starving student! You need your brain food, right?


Concerts can be rather expensive, well, if you have to pay full price. Ask about their student discounts. Often they will have a certain section of seats that are specifically for students. The price can be dramatically different. You can see all your favorite artists after all! 


While you may not be able to get a student discount in big box retail stores like Walmart or JCPenney’s, local stores and thrift stores sometimes offer student discounts. While it may be only around 10-15% that you’re saving—it adds up! It pays off to follow their social media pages where they may advertise when their student discounts are going on.


If your school doesn’t already offer you a gym then you’re stuck with going out and finding one. Don’t be scared by the thought of paying a lot because you’ve got your handy dandy student I.D. card! Whip that puppy out and you’ll be sure to save a percentage on your membership somewhere. 

TIP: Look for the smaller gyms that aren’t as “advertised.” Or, if you really want to save money—work out outside. The world is your gym.

Beauty Services 

Don’t think you can afford to get that new haircut you’ve been dying to get? Think again! Call around to the different salons and mention you are a student and ask about any discounts. You’ll be surprised at how many will offer reduced rates. This also goes for massages, nails, tanning and any other beauty services. 


Discounts for student travelers exist in almost every city—worldwide. You can save money on flights, bus rides, trains and even cabs. Plus, while you are traveling the world you can save money on where you are staying, food, events and tourist attractions. Basically, try to use that student I.D. on anything and everything you can.


Need a new laptop? You can probably afford to buy one right now by utilizing your student discount. Best Buy offers a wide variety of student discounts on electronics—you just have to dig around a little. They don’t make it too easy to find these awesome deals, of course!

Banking/Credit Cards

Different banks offer free accounts and/or reduced rates on credit cards for students. This is a great time to start saving and build credit and not have to worry about paying for all of your accounts.

Just beware that the promotional prices may only last for your entirety of being a student. They will likely ask you when you will be graduating—in which case your promotion will end and you’ll have to pay for things like everyone else. Dang it! 


Save money on your car insurance by letting them know you are a student! On top of that, some insurance companies offer more incentives for getting good grades, being on the Dean’s list or honor roll. It never hurts to ask! 

Do you have any other money saving tips for students? Comment with them below! 

A surefire way to save money is to shop at second hand clothing stores like the Arc Store. Learn more by downloading our free offer below.

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