Morning to Night Used Clothing Fashions for Women – All Under $15

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02/20/2015 10:43 AM

Morning to Night Used Clothing Fashions for Women – All Under $15

You begin your day at the gym, like so many of us. But…today happens to be one of THOSE days. The kids are late for school, so you are late for yoga, work, and wait…that birthday party is TONIGHT!  Eeek! How do you pull it together and get through the day looking polished and still have fun?

Well, lucky for you, you decided to meet a friend for a lunch time shopping trip last week at the Arc Store, where the quality and prices of gorgeous used clothing for women really took you by surprise. You head to your closet and find the following:

Your morning yoga outfit


Black pair of tights ($4)
Cami ($2.50)
Sport shirt ($4)
Sneaks ($3)

For meetings and a long workday


Black flats ($3)
Long stylish blouse ($4)
Belt for over your tights ($1.50)
Cute scarf to pull it all together ($1.50)
Chunky cuff bracelet for understated daytime polish ($4)

But what about the party after work?


Amazing heels ($3)
Sparkly evening top ($2.50)
Trendy shrug to match ($4)
Evening bag ($1.50)
Glamorous earrings ($3)

You grab the cute black tote you also bought at the Arc Store and stuff it all inside for a quick transformation after work from polished businesswoman to divine diva! 

Kids are finally loaded in the car with homework and lunches this time, and you are thinking that just maybe…maybe you can actually squeeze in another lunchtime shopping trip at the Arc Store to pick up the necklace you saw to match the earrings for tonight’s outfit ($6), and the golf shirt your hubby would love ($4), and that adorable Easter dress for the little one ($2), and well, maybe…

Used clothing for women doesn’t have to be old and dowdy. If you shop wisely you can build an outfit for morning, the workday and evening, all for under $15! For additional tips for shopping at used clothing stores here is a great example of how to save money.

When you are trying to responsibly manage your family’s budget gently used clothing for women found in today’s second hand stores is really the way to go. You can indulge yourself, and your family with trendy, seasonal separates at a fraction of the cost. There will be no buyer’s remorse when you know you’re getting great bargains and you’ll feel totally guilt-free. 

Why pay more when used clothing for women and their families is so readily available, and so appealingly merchandised these days? You can actually stock up on quality, timeless clothing like brand name jeans, business wear, athletic wear, and footwear without the huge investment of department store shopping.

Maybe your friend was right and a woman really can go from morning to night (guilt-free) in under $15 with fashionable used clothing. Maybe you are thinking you really ought to pick up the sweater she was eyeing last week at the Arc Store…if some other smart woman hasn’t already gotten it first!

Before you set off to the Arc Store, download the coupon below. We’ll be waiting to help you look your best and save the most.


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