[NEWS] The Arc Stores Celebrate International Day of Persons With Disabilities

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12/03/2014 3:00 AM

[NEWS] The Arc Stores Celebrate International Day of Persons With Disabilities

support_the_arc_storesThe observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992. The objective was– and is– to foster an international increase in general understanding of disability issues, and through true understanding, to garner interest in and– support for –the dignity, rights, and well-being of persons with disability. So many gains have been realized from this exercise in basic understanding of our human condition. The full integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life is an everyday mission at the Arc Stores of Butte County, and one we enjoy with all of our hearts!

Each of our Arc Store locations in Oroville, Paradise and Chico serves as a poignant testimony to the success and joy experienced by all who embrace a culture of inclusion, empowerment and compassion for all.  

Come visit us and see the United Nation’s initiative in action in your own community. Each of our Arc Stores serves as both work readiness and training campus for adults with disabilities, as well as a retail enterprise to help fund other programs and services the Arc of Butte County provides to people with a disability and their families. And we have fun! Imagine the joy of working with and for those who believe themselves to be the most fortunate people simply to have the privilege to work and to serve others.  That’s how we feel every day at the Arc Stores.  Simple human rights are not taken for granted here, they are celebrated.

The 2014 Theme for International Day of Persons with Disabilities is Sustainable Development

 The Promise of Technology. Specific theme focus: Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Response, Creating Enabling Working Environment, and Disability-Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals. It seems as though our programs were tailor-made for achieving these worthy 2014 goals. It is simply what we do here at the Arc though our Arc Stores and Independent Living Service programs. 

I am so proud to see the strides we have made at the Arc regarding these United Nation initiatives. The numbers of an organization like ours are in and of themselves staggering. Numbers reveal the measurable level of our success within our mission. Numbers such as those representing how many people we have assisted in living independently, how many people we have successfully trained in a workplace, how many adult day-program participants have been included in activities, how many family respite hours we have provided over the years. These, and many more, are all necessary statistics for any successful business or non-profit organization. Proof of success through verifiable outcomes, and in this arena we shine!

But far more poignant, I think, are those daily measures of accomplishment and development. The “small” things do add up suddenly and startlingly into big change and growth in a community! We celebrate every step, big and small toward the goal of dignity, human rights and enrichment for all.

If adding your time, talent or treasure to this United Nation’s International Day of Persons with Disability appeals to you in some way, please do check out the website United Nations Enable: Development and human rights for all. Check out previous year’s initiative themes, or what is currently available in your community. Perhaps you might be lead to investigate what is currently not available there, and begin your own relevant initiative!

If you are lucky and live in beautiful Butte County, California, please visit us

In addition to offering fun and enriching Adult Day Programs in three locations, the Arc of Butte County aims to empower people with disabilities and their families through providing much needed Independent Living Services, Respite Care, Parenting Program, Family Support Program, Rainbow of Kids Club/Saturday Respite, Translation and Transportation Services.  

Please consider supporting us in our mission to assist people with developmental disability to lead meaningful lives by donating to our community endeavors and frequenting any of our three store locations.

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