Plan an End-of-Summer Bash on Budget [Event Planning Budget Template]

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09/02/2015 11:24 AM

Plan an End-of-Summer Bash on Budget [Event Planning Budget Template]

friends_barbecuing_in_the_parkThe kids are going back to school, the leaves are turning color, and Halloween costume stores are already popping up around town. Summer is coming to a close, but there’s still time for one more summer bash!

Have your cake and eat it too by throwing a party to end the summer without draining your bank account. Don’t forget your free event planning budget template available at the bottom of this article. 

Host a Party in the Park

Here in Chico we have the luxury of being close to Bidwell Park. Throughout Lower Park, from Sycamore Pool to Five Mile, you’ll find beautiful spots along the creek outfitted with picnic benches and a standing grill.

Bring your family to this beautiful location and host a barbeque. If you prefer a little less seclusion, there are BBQ spots next to Sycamore Pool, a baseball diamond, and Caper Acres playground. There’s swimming and swing sets for the kids, and the adults can relax in the shade. This is an especially good option for those of us living in apartments or without a yard.

Plan a Potluck

Invite your friends down to the park for an outdoor barbeque, and ask that everyone bring a dish or drink. You’ll end up with more variety in the spread and your guests will enjoy sharing their favorite dish. A BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage) policy really cuts down on the cost. Just remember to check park rules for the types of beverages allowed.

Shop at Second Hand Stores for Supplies

Party supplies like decorations, disposable dishes, and games, can really add up. Second hand stores are a great place to find party supplies on a budget. The Arc Stores in Chico, Paradise and Oroville have discovered Shop Smart: 7 Ideas For Cheap Party Supplies that can be applied to any party with style.

Don’t get too sad about summer passing. It means we get to look forward to Halloween and the Holiday season. Boots and scarves and pumpkin spice lattes. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have one last Summer Blowout! Enjoy the end of summer in style with these tips.

Easily plan and organize your end-of-summer bash by downloading the free event planning budget template below!

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