Shop Smart for Back to School Clothing with These 6 Tips

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08/03/2015 11:49 AM

Shop Smart for Back to School Clothing with These 6 Tips

Back to school

Back to school shopping can put a big dent in your wallet and turn into an outing that you loathe. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be this way!

If you know how to shop smart for your back to school clothing or your child’s back to school clothing, you’ll be walking out with a smile on your face and cash still left in your pocket! Score!

1. Make a list

Before you go to the store take some inventory on what you really need. Go through your closets and decide what’s a keeper and what isn’t. While you’re at it, throw the things you or your kids no longer want into a bag and mark it for donation, since you’ll most likely be stopping by your local thrift store for school shopping!

2. Have a budget

Budgeting isn’t very fun but it will help you shop smart and save more money than you would if you didn’t. A great way to get an idea of what you should spend is by looking at what you spent last year. If you have no idea, that’s ok too. The best way to stay within your budget is to allot yourself or your kids a certain amount of cash that can be spent. Once the cash is gone, you’re done shopping.

3. Shop early

Shopping early, before the back to school rush, will always benefit you in the end. Not only will it not be as crazy and hectic, but you’ll get first pick of items AND won’t be tricked by some of those alluring “sales” that really aren’t saving you much money anyway.

4. Buy for next season

This is an age old secret BUT it really does make sense and helps you shop smart. Especially if you’re already grabbing some things for the current season, why not add some pieces for the next season? Typically if you’re buying things that are out of season they are a better deal.

5. Get social for coupons

If you’re looking to get the low down on deals and be notified of them before anyone else, get social! Often times if you “like” a business page and become a fan they will post deals that are exclusively for social media followers. It pays to be social.

6. Thrifty is cool

Thrift store shopping has really come full circle from what it was many years ago. Now, shopping for your back to school clothes at thrift stores is fun and cool. Plus, you won’t look like everyone else at school wearing the same shirt that everyone bought at the mall. You’ll stand apart from the crowd, in a good way!

Plus, just because you are shopping at thrift store, it doesn’t mean your only options are used clothing. Often times they have completely new clothing options as well. At least, the Arc Stores do!

Hopefully these back to school shopping tips will help you shop smart and save some money. Welcome back to school kiddos, and good luck parents!

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