Start New Habits With These Money Saving Tips for the New Year

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01/16/2015 9:30 AM

Start New Habits With These Money Saving Tips for the New Year

money_matters_on_chalkboardIt’s January 2015 already! With the holidays behind us, it’s time to begin thinking about the New Year ahead and its many possibilities. Resolutions are in full swing, which for most, means cutting back on the sweets and cutting back on your spending. With these money saving tips you are sure to get the best bang for your buck this year.

Clothing and Accessories

Buying gently used clothing at second hand stores is a great way to save money, while also freshening up your wardrobe. The Arc Store is a one-stop-shop. Donate the clothes that are no longer in style or don’t fit and fill up your closet with tons of gently used, but new-to-you clothing. You can also find loads of accessories like jewelry, scarves, hats, shoes, purses and belts to name a few. After receiving a compliment, confidently respond “Thanks, I got it at the Arc Store. This whole outfit was only $10!”

Furniture and Home Décor

Exude your creativity with DIY furniture and home décor. It’s easy to give old, run down, outdated furniture a facelift. It’s inexpensive too! Check out the Arc Store’s “DIY Fab Furnishings” Pinterest board to find tons of great ideas. Often times all it takes is a little paint and sandpaper to spice up any old piece of furniture. Don’t talk yourself into going to IKEA to buy that impersonal piece of modern furniture when you could customize the perfect piece for much cheaper. What an easy way to save money.

Click here for directions on how to master your own makeover.

Groceries & Home goods

I don’t know about you, but I am usually quick to throw out mailers and coupons form local grocers. Don’t do that! You can find great money saving tips by saving and clipping these coupons. Base your meals and grocery shopping trips off of what’s on sale. These coupons aren’t usually limited to food items; get Ziploc bags, cleaning supplies and Q-tips on sale too. Coupon Mom is a reputable site that claims it can cut your grocery bill in half. Put it to the test to try and start saving money today!

Gas and Travels

The first step to saving on gas is filling up at the right place and time. If you have a smartphone download the app GasBuddy. This app will tell you, no matter where you are, where the cheapest gas is being sold within the requested amount of miles. If you are filling up your tank, it’s worth a check!

If you are traveling by car, I suggest you look into renting a gas efficient vehicle rather than taking your old or large vehicle long distances. Although it’s an extra expense, often times the savings in gas pays for the rental, plus some. For those who travel by plane I suggest using Expedia or one of the other “wholesale travel brokers” for the cheapest flights available. Most of these can also help with hotels in any given area. And lastly, for the free spirit traveler, shop Groupon. It offers last minute reservations for hotels and flights that aren’t full. Usually the prices are cut in half!

These money saving tips are easy and you can start using them right now! I think I’ll take my own advice and go clip some coupons, you should do the same by clicking on the coupon below!

Happy New Year!

You can save money every time you shop at the Arc Store by downloading and bringing in the coupon below.


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