The Arc Store Elves Are Ready To Wrap Your Gifts

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12/12/2014 3:33 AM

The Arc Store Elves Are Ready To Wrap Your Gifts

the_arc_store_elfSanta’s helpers, the Arc Store Elves will be working their magic and wrapping Christmas and Hanukah presents at the Chico Mall from Friday, Dec. 12th through Christmas Eve Wednesday, Dec. 24th.  The gift wrapping booth is located near the west end by the Food Court and the entrance to Dick’s Sporting Goods. Each day the booth will open at 11 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Christmas Eve it will close at 4 p.m.

Who will be wrapping?

The Arc staff members from the Administration offices, the Adult Day programs, Independent Living Skills program, Family Support program and the Arc Stores have volunteered to wrap for this annual fundraising event.  The Arc of Butte County board members are also volunteering their time for this worthy cause.

In addition, employees of Sweeney & Sweeney Insurance Services and InterWest Insurance Services are among the volunteers. Friends and supporters of the Arc Store Chico have stepped up and called us to volunteer. The spirit of the season is very apparent when we reach out to ask for help with our fundraisers.

The Arc holds several fundraisers each year to supplement the many programs that serve the developmentally disabled community. Not only does the Arc staff appreciate it, but indirectly so do the many clients that depend upon the Arc for their daily needs.

At the gift wrapping booth, we have high quality wrapping paper, ribbon and bows. There are several different patterns to choose from, literally a design to please the most discerning gift giver. Bring all of your purchases to the Arc’s booth, shop in the mall while we wrap and when you return, it will be waiting for you. 

REASONS to have your gifts wrapped at the Arc Gift Wrapping Booth:

  • Arc wrapped gifts are Santa and Mom approved
  • Affordable prices and you’re donating to a wonderful cause
  • Leave the wrapping to us, more time for you to shop
  • You don’t have to pick up the paper and ribbons off your living room floor
  • No chance that your family (yes, they peek if they get the chance) will find any unwrapped presents hidden in the house
  • You don’t have to buy giftwrap, apparel boxes, ribbons, bows, or scotch tape
  • You can tell your kids that Santa’s helpers wrapped their presents and it will be the truth!
  • You’ll be greeted by friendly, smiling, helpful wrappers, sharing the spirit of the season
  • It’s close to the food court, so you can sit, rest and have a beverage or a bite to eat

What are you waiting for?

Please hurry on down to the Chico Mall to get your shopping and wrapping done in one trip. If that appeals to you, do it more than once! Please spread the word and tell your friends about the Arc Store gift wrapping booth too.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanza to all our Butte County friends. Thank you all for your continued support of the Arc of Butte County. 

Related Articles:

6 Ways to Save Money & Not Go Broke Buying Christmas Gifts

The Spirit of Giving at Second Hand Stores

Still have gifts to buy? Shop at the Arc Store and bring the coupon below in with you!

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