Tips for Organizing Your Garage & Donating to Second Hand Stores

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03/30/2015 9:00 AM

Tips for Organizing Your Garage & Donating to Second Hand Stores

dirty_garage_106438572Did you know that only around 30 percent of us store our vehicles in the garage? Can you guess the reason why? Bingo, you got it! Way too much stuff in the garage! For some reason the garage has become a place where excess items we aren’t using can be stored and sometimes, it gets a little out of control.

Take back control of your garage and plan a day to clean and organize it! If you’ve been dreading the process, don’t worry! We have some amazing tips for you on how to begin and what to do with all of the items you don’t want—donating to second hand stores.

Getting started

Getting started can often be the hardest part. Don’t let this slow you down! Here are some tips on how to have the best results when starting!

  • Set aside an entire weekend to get the job done.
  • Invite others who live at the house with you to join in (your kids, significant other or roommate).
  • Have a schedule. Know when you are going to stop for lunch, etc.
  • Have a goal. Know how much you want to achieve each day.


While you’re at it, you might as well avoid taking any shortcuts, right? Do it the right way and make sure you go through everything. This includes going through boxes that may have things in there you no longer need. Sort items into three piles; keep, donate and toss.

How to decide

This is often the part that people have trouble with. How do you decide what to get rid of, keep, or throw away? What if you someday need that couch that’s been sitting in the garage for five years collecting dust? Well, you most likely don’t! Here are some tips on how to decide what to keep.


  • Family heirlooms/sentimental items
  • Holiday decorations you use
  • Things you often go out into the garage for

Donate [based on condition]:

  • Anything you haven’t used in two years
  • Outgrown toys and clothing
  • Holiday decorations you never use
  • Old appliances that work
  • Décor/artwork that is outdated

Throw away:

  • Throw away anything that is torn up, dirty or not in good condition where you wouldn’t use it, because that also means no one would want to buy it at a second hand store.


Now that you are done with the sorting part and have figured out what you want to keep, it’s time to organize and put everything back, hopefully in a more structured fashion than it was before! Before you start, draft some sort of a floor plan either on paper or mentally so you have an idea of where to put things.

  • Put items that get used together in a close vicinity, such as gardening tools, lawn care chemicals and the mower.
  • Put large things in corners since they take up the most room. Plus, you won’t bump them accidentally with your car that way.
  • Keep things you often take out of the garage easily accessible.
  • Store seasonal things in the rafters or out of the way since they are only accessed once a year.

If you are really feeling gung-ho, the best way to have a clean and organized garage is to have proper shelving and storage to keep everything off of the ground. Here is an entire blog of 27 different things you can do to make your garage even more organized: “28 Brilliant Garage Organization Ideas


Most importantly, don’t forget about all of the stuff you set aside to donate. We know it’s easy to forget about and just stuff it somewhere in your garage instead, but that’s taking a step back in the wrong direction! Just throw it in your car really quick and drive down to your local second hand store and donate! Also, many second hand stores will come pick up large items if you call and schedule a time.

We hope this was helpful! Good luck with your garage cleaning/organizing adventure! You can do it!

If you have items to donate, consider taking them to the Arc second hand stores!
