Top 5 Thrift Store Secrets Every Thrifty Fashionista Should Know

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06/29/2015 11:52 AM

Top 5 Thrift Store Secrets Every Thrifty Fashionista Should Know

ThinkstockPhotos-462479145Want to be let in on some top secret thrift store tips? You’re lucky you stumbled across this blog because we don’t just give these secrets away to anyone. Only the most dedicated thrifty fashionistas get to know these tips. Just kidding…you can go ahead and share them with your friends! Get ready for five second hand shopping secrets that will change the way you thrift.

1.  Visit the store on a Tuesday or Wednesday

A lot of donations are made on the weekends and then take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours to process and get out on the store floor. If you want to see the newest selection and be the first to get your hands on some of the new products, make sure you check in at your favorite second hand stores at the beginning of the week. This is not to say that new items aren’t added daily, because they are.

Also, ask a store associate at your favorite thrift store what the best day to come in is. They often know their inventory the best!

2.  Hold items up to light to inspect them

Before purchasing anything, especially clothing, make sure you give it a thorough inspection for any flaws, stains, rips, etc. Looking straight on at an item or at yourself in a mirror, you miss little details. If there is a stain or rip, evaluate if it is an easy fix. You can also ask a store employee if you can receive an extra discount for the flaw.

3.  Thrift outside your comfort zone

When you visit other towns, this is one of the best times to explore other second hand stores! You’ll find things in thrift stores that you may never be able to find at your local one. These items depend on a multitude of things such as the population of the town they are in, the demographics, the type of region the city is in and so on. Going to a store out of town will open up your options.

4.  Sign up for the mailing list

A lot of thrift stores have mailing lists that they send out to loyal customers that include some pretty awesome coupons. For example, the Arc Stores right now has a summer coupon that is $10 off any purchase of $30 or more. What a deal! If you were on the mailing list, you’d be some of the first customers to know about it!
