Ways to Save Money: Buy New Mattresses at the Arc Store in Oroville

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11/23/2015 3:57 AM

Ways to Save Money: Buy New Mattresses at the Arc Store in Oroville


Without a comfortable mattress, nothing seems quite right. That old comfy mattress which used to suit you no longer offers the support your body requires for a restorative night’s sleep. But a new mattress and box spring can cost several hundred dollars or more. You rub your aching back and budget your hard-earned cash elsewhere.

But the holidays are quickly approaching…and, oh! You forgot about the house guests you’re expecting. Mom will need at least a daybed in the den. She plans to spend a month with you and the kids and you can’t have her sleeping on an inflatable camping bed for that length of time. The Arc Store in Oroville has you covered! One less worry at this busy time of year. 

New Mattresses, Reasonably Priced

We heard the requests from our many customers who needed new mattresses to go with all of those lovely headboards and bedframes graciously donated by our generous program supporters. We now carry brand new, nicely padded mattresses and box springs, very reasonably priced. And they are NEW, in the plastic, fresh for your family’s comfort and peace of mind

The mattresses at the Arc Store in Oroville are sourced from a local vendor. If we happen to be out of the size you require, we can usually obtain the mattress/box spring desired within the week – and we deliver! You can get a quality, new mattress and box spring for around $250. What could be better?

Saving money on your investment

With the money you save, you can perhaps replace the sofa your adorable dog has demolished, add a dresser and cute twin bed, or just buy a few extra holiday gifts for your loved ones this year.

Mattress shopping at the Arc Store in Oroville is one of the easy ways to save money at a second hand store, but it can be a bit confusing with all of the options available. We invite you to plop down on one of our lovely staged beds in our furniture showroom. We believe you’ll find our new mattresses to be generously stuffed, and of fairly medium firmness—an overall nice quality product at a very reasonable price. 

New vs. Refurbished Mattresses

Remember, not all plastic-wrapped mattresses are the same. When you’re shopping, make sure you ask if the mattress is brand new or refurbished. Refurbished mattresses may be wrapped in plastic like new, but may contain sterilized used materials. We have been told this is sometimes confusing to the thrifty family shopper.

We hope that all of our thrift store shopping friends have inquiring minds and make certain that the product they have purchased is indeed what they expect it to be. Ask questions and read labels. Government websites detail the required parameters for refurbished mattresses and box springs these days so you can be confident that your investment in your restful night’s sleep is exactly what you want.    

The staff members at the Arc Store in Oroville are happy to help you re-design your whole bedroom with a new-to-you bedframe, dresser, accent chair, vintage mirror, artwork, coordinating linens, knick-knacks, and of course one of our comfy mattress and box spring sets for delivery. Come visit us and find more creative ways to save money than you ever thought possible.

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