Ways to Save Money on the Perfect Gift for Your Grandparent

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09/02/2014 9:48 AM

Ways to Save Money on the Perfect Gift for Your Grandparent

ways to save money on a gift for your grandparentDid you know that National Grandparents Day is coming up on September 7? If not, now you do! Don’t worry, you still have time to shop! While grandma and grandpa are super important, you may not have a lot of money to spend right now. That’s totally OK. Check out these ways to save money and still give them a gift that they will absolutely love.

Print Out a Photo

There’s nothing quite like giving the gift of a captured memory. Your grandparents will especially dig this. It can either be a picture of you or a picture of you with them. They’ll most likely love either one. A gift like this has so much sentimental value and barely costs anything. Printing the photo is a couple bucks at most and then buying a frame at your local thrift store is also only a couple of dollars.

Here are some tips on how to spruce up a thrift store frame: 

  • Spray paint
  • Glitter it
  • Paint a design on it
  • Glue things that remind you of them to it 

Make Them a Shirt

Make your grandparent a shirt that says  “Best Grandma Ever” or “Best Grandpa Ever.” This will show that you took the time to create something for them from your own bare hands. It’s something that you personally made and spent time on. They will treasure it deeply and you’ll soon find it has become their favorite shirt.

You know what’s really cool? You spent hardly any money creating this awesome gift! You can find shirts at your local thrift store for only a few bucks and then the supplies can be found for less than $5 as well. Score!

Handprint Aprons

If your grandma or grandpa likes to cook they’ll love this homemade apron. A plain apron can be bought for under $10 and then all you need is a little creative skills and some paint. If you really want to get into it add some sparkles, rhinestones, ribbon or iron-on designs. You know your grandparent is the best so design this apron to suite them and the things that they love.


Photo Source: Simply + Kierste 

What’s best about this gift is that every time they are in the kitchen they’ll think of you. Aw, how sweet! Maybe they’ll bake you up something sweet in return. Yum!

Follow this link for the complete directions: Handprint Aprons

Painted Garden Rock

Does your grandma or grandpa like to garden? If so they will absolutely love these painted rocks for their garden! All you’ll need are some creative juices flowing, paint, a Sharpie and rocks. Some words of advice; while the rocks are free, make sure you’re getting them from somewhere you’re allowed to, like your own backyard, not your neighbors or from some business. Stealing rocks can actually be a crime. If you don’t have anywhere to get rocks, go to the craft store and buy a few. Better safe than sorry!


Photo Source: Crafts by Amanda

Follow this link for the complete directions: Painted Garden Rocks

So there you have it. You can make grandma and grandpa happy with one of these gifts without breaking the bank. What’s better than that?
