What We’re Thankful for at the Arc Stores in Butte County

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11/24/2015 3:16 AM

What We’re Thankful for at the Arc Stores in Butte County


The Arc Stores in Butte County have so much to be thankful for. We are a non-profit organization that has been providing services and a safe place for individuals with developmental disabilities since 1953. We are constantly working hard to provide help for these individuals and their families through our day programs located in Chico, Paradise and Oroville California.

These are programs that give our clients a place where they can be themselves while having the opportunity to meet individuals like themselves. They learn day-to-day tasks and job skills that help them grow into the best versions of themselves.

Along with each day program there is a thrift store where the clients can utilize their job skills and earn a paycheck.

Here are just a few things all of the Arc Stores in Butte County are thankful for:

Day Program

The Arc is blessed to be able to provide a safe place for our clients to learn, socialize, and go out into the community with their friends and instructors to experience great adventures.

Thrift Stores

The Arc Thrift Stores provide a helpful environment for clients to learn and grow, as well as a number of ways to save money for local shoppers. While shopping, customers are able to be around our clients who remind everyone what a great service and contribution each person is providing the community by working, shopping or donating.


We would not be here without all of the generous donations and gracious help we receive from local residents, whether it’s by donating to our stores or attending our annual fundraising events. Without you we would not have all of the great merchandise to fill our shelves. A wonderful thing to remember is that all the proceeds go back to our community.


The Arc Stores in Butte County have the best staff. Arc instructors are amazing in the way that they want to provide such help and comfort to the clients. The stores are filled with wonderful staff who are there to lend a helping hand and appreciate the tasks and work ethic that the clients bring to the workplace every day.


We love that we have our regular customers that come in and keep us going. Every day we are so excited to see new faces and meet such wonderful people. Thank you for being our Loyal Shoppers, we love to help you find that bargain!


We have been so fortunate to be voted Best Thrift Store in Chico in 2015. This is our 13th year in a row to win the honor. Not only do we appreciate the love from the community but we are so thrilled to be a part of local events. We appreciate being able to share our message of helping change the lives of our clients, our customers and the community.

Thank you for being a part of the Arc Stores in Butte County!
