Category Archives: Uncategorized

Show Your Local Team Spirit by Saving at Second Hand Stores

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177572531Chico high schools battle for bragging rights at the Almond Bowl, the annual football game between the two high schools in Chico. The long-standing rivalry between Chico High and Pleasant Valley High will be reignited on Oct 24th as they battle on the Chico State football field for citywide glory. This football game means a lot not only to the football players, but to all students, alumni, parents and family members! Those attending are in for a wild night as these rivals fight for bragging rights for the year to come.
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3 Ways to Make Your Second Hand Furniture Store DIY Projects Shine

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second hand furniture store

Did you know that second hand furniture stores are a great place to find pieces to use for DIY projects in your home? All they need is a little love and they can look better than they did when they were new! All of your friends and family that come to your home will go crazy over these DIY pieces. Just follow these tips on how to transform second hand furniture below!

Read More 3 Ways to Make Your Second Hand Furniture Store DIY Projects Shine
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Princess for a Night: Halloween Costume Ideas Made With Used Clothing

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Hey ladies, if you have a group of friends attending a Halloween party together, going trick-or-treating or just wanting to dress up for a photo shoot, this is for you! At the Arc store in Chico we have an abundance of what may seem like outdated, outdone, and outrageous 80’s prom dresses that we know will be great for a number of Halloween “ball gowns.” Step outside the box and put together a unique costume that will make you feel like royalty for the night.

Read More Princess for a Night: Halloween Costume Ideas Made With Used Clothing

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Best DIY Halloween Costume Ideas to Make With Used Clothing

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Halloween is a time where you can dress up and be whoever or whatever you want to be! How fun is that? However, I’m sure you can agree about the downside of this holiday—the money part! Why do costumes have to be so dang expensive? We’ve got a solution! Create a DIY costume from used clothing!

Trust us, your costume will come out awesome, if not even cooler than what you’d pay for one from a Halloween costume shop. Plus, all of those costumes are made from fake materials and hardly ever have much uniqueness to them. Spending $70 for a piece of plastic that’s going to look like everyone else’s? No thanks! 

Read More Best DIY Halloween Costume Ideas to Make With Used Clothing
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Behind The Scenes at the Arc Store in Chico

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behind the scenes at the arc store in chicoIf you have ever shopped at the Arc Store in Chico you know that there is a huge array of items available for purchase. We accept donations every day and rely on those donations to keep the store full of quality items for sale. The Arc Store sells only the best of what we get and has a high quality standard.

Have you ever wondered what we do with those items that do not end up being sold in the store? You may be surprised to know that we are able to use most of the un-sellable items in a way that benefits the Arc of Butte County. Here is a list of ways we use the donated goods when they cannot be sold in the store.

Read More Behind The Scenes at the Arc Store in Chico

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Create Your Halloween Costumes for Couples at the Arc Store in Chico

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couples costumes at the arc storeGoing to a Halloween costume party? Are you stressing yourself out trying to come up with new ideas AND you’re on a budget? Let the Arc Store in Chico help you with a few tips on how to create your own Halloween costumes for both you and your significant other. Use the ideas, come into the store and start building the best couple’s costumes you’ve ever seen. Who’s going to win the prize for best costume? Why you and your partner, of course.

Read More Create Your Halloween Costumes for Couples at the Arc Store in Chico

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Is Vintage the Same as Second Hand? The Meaning of Vintage Clothing

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vintage clothing at second hand storesYour friend just raved about this vintage dress she found at the local second hand clothing store down the street. You smile and congratulate her even though you are really thinking in the back of your mind, “what the heck is vintage?” You have a vague idea but picture images of old fashioned gowns with lace up corsets. No, that can’t be right, you think to yourself. 

Well, actually you are half right, but there’s much more to vintage clothing than you think and that actually most of the general public thinks.

Read More Is Vintage the Same as Second Hand? The Meaning of Vintage Clothing

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Money Saving Tips for Throwing the Spookiest Halloween Party

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Halloween party table decorOctober has crept up on us, almost as quickly as summer left. Fall is here and the holidays are inching closer, the first one being Halloween. Costumes, candy, spooky movies, and caramel apples will be here in full force before you know it. One option on Halloween is always to stay at home and pass out candy to the cute kids, but why not invite all of your friends over and throw a spook-tacular Halloween bash? With these money saving tips you can throw the cheapest, spookiest, most talked about Halloween Party in the neighborhood, until you throw another one next year!
Read More Money Saving Tips for Throwing the Spookiest Halloween Party

The Arc Store in Paradise Celebrates Johnny Appleseed Days

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arc store in paradise johnny appleseed daysThe Johnny Appleseed Celebration in Paradise is almost as old as Johnny Appleseed himself. On October 4th and 5th, the Arc Store in Paradise will have its first opportunity to join the town in celebrating its Johnny Appleseed Days Festival. It is the second largest event in town, and along with historical tradition provides plenty of fun and entertainment for residents and visitors alike.

Read More The Arc Store in Paradise Celebrates Johnny Appleseed Days

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Ways to Save Money & Still Create a Killer Halloween Costume

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ways to save money on Halloween costumes

A blog about Halloween costumes? Yep, that’s right! The candy-filled, spooky holiday will be here before you know it. Isn’t that always the case anyway? You’re scrambling at the last minute to get a costume together for a party you were invited to that creeped up on you. Or, you went and looked at costumes and decided that you just couldn’t make yourself spend that much money on something you will only wear for one night.

Read More Ways to Save Money & Still Create a Killer Halloween Costume

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