Tag Archives: Clothing

Create Your Halloween Costumes for Couples at the Arc Store in Chico

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10/08/2014 4:48 AM

Going to a Halloween costume party? Are you stressing yourself out trying to come up with new ideas AND you’re on a budget? Let the Arc Store in Chico help you with a few tips on how to create your own Halloween costumes for both you and your significant other. Use the ideas, come in

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Is Vintage the Same as Second Hand? The Meaning of Vintage Clothing

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10/06/2014 3:29 AM

Your friend just raved about this vintage dress she found at the local second hand clothing store down the street. You smile and congratulate her even though you are really thinking in the back of your mind, “what the heck is vintage?” You have a vague idea but picture ima

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The Arc Store in Oroville Has White Used Clothing for the Color Dash

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09/24/2014 1:32 AM

It’s Salmon Festival time again in Oroville, CA! Gorgeous weather is forecasted for the thousands of salmon making their way through the hatchery, and for the hundreds of festival participants making their way through our lovely and historic town. There are many activities to meander

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DIY Wedding Ideas You Can Find At Your Local Second Hand Stores

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09/17/2014 10:30 AM

Getting married should be one of the greatest moments of your life. From the time you were young you dreamt of finding your soul mate and spending the rest of your lives together. Planning a wedding is easy…right? Well, not always, especially if you are on a budget. We have some mon


Used Clothing Style: The Ultimate Fall Scarf Guide

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09/15/2014 3:24 AM

Leaves are starting to change colors. The temperatures are dropping just a bit. Pumpkin spice EVERYTHING is emerging. You know what that means? It’s fall! While fall means a lot of things, one of the best things in the used clothing world is that you can start layering items and wear


Tips for Back to School Shopping at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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07/25/2014 9:00 AM

Summer has come and gone way too quickly, and it is almost time to go back to school. No one wants to be seen in the same old things they wore the previous school year, so it’s time to update your wardrobe with fun new things. When shopping for new clothes you should always consider

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The College Student’s Guide to Shopping at Second Hand Stores

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07/16/2014 12:38 PM

As a savvy college student, you’ve probably tried shopping at a thrift store, or “thrifting.” You may have even consigned your furniture or engaged in a ferocious bidding war on eBay. For the fashion-focused college girl or that hard to please college boy, second hand sho

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3 Easy Steps to Make Room for More Used Clothing in Your Closet

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07/02/2014 9:00 AM

Are you such a savvy second hand shopper that your closet is crammed full of used clothing, but you still seem to need more? This is a common female problem that I know I have and I bet you do too! Shopping at second hand clothing stores, like the Arc Store, allows for great deals that are

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Stop Paying Full Retail – Shop at Second Hand Clothing Stores

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07/01/2014 3:37 AM

Can you feel it? There’s no denying that summer is finally here. Temperatures are rising so high that it is nearly impossible to even think about keeping jeans or jackets in your wardrobe. The smart clothing choice is shorts, tanks, and layers to manage the high temps. Instead o

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9 Reasons to Shop Locally When Buying Used Clothing

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06/18/2014 10:10 AM

Why shop for used clothing at a locally owned business first? The following 9 reasons are examples of how more money spent at local businesses is reinvested in your community creating diversity and helping the community maintain or create its unique appeal.

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