Tag Archives: Money Saving Tips

Score Some Money Saving Tips For Your Super Bowl Party

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01/26/2015 10:55 AM

Super Bowl is almost here! Are you planning on having a party but are reconsidering because of the cost? You don’t need to! You can have a great Super Bowl party and still have fun, eat good food, drink and have guest. Keep reading to learn some money saving tips so that you can make


4 Fun Rainy Day Ideas for Kids Using Second Hand Store Finds

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01/23/2015 10:18 AM

The winter months are here and with them usually comes inclement weather. One of the challenges you might face is what to do to keep your children occupied while stuck indoors. When the rainy season sets in, so do the grumbling statements of the kids, “I can’t go outside, so, w

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3 Ways to Save Money on Valentine’s Day & Still Show Her You Care

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01/21/2015 5:02 AM

We should show our loved ones how much we care all year round, but we all know that Valentine’s Day is one day a year that we can be with that special someone and really remind  them how much we love and appreciate them. It’s well known that women like to receive jewelry a

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Start New Habits With These Money Saving Tips for the New Year

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01/16/2015 9:30 AM

It’s January 2015 already! With the holidays behind us, it’s time to begin thinking about the New Year ahead and its many possibilities. Resolutions are in full swing, which for most, means cutting back on the sweets and cutting back on your spending. With these money saving ti

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8 Simple & Easy Ways to Save Money Every Single Day This Year

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01/12/2015 12:02 PM

With a new year here, maybe one of your resolutions is to save money. But really, aren’t we all always trying to save money, resolution or not? Here are some simple and easy ways to save money every single day, by only making a slight change in what you already do!


5 Ways to Save Money Planning Any Celebration

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01/08/2015 3:02 AM

Who doesn’t love a great party? While most people enjoy attending them, not everyone likes planning them because expenses are often high. With these money saving tips you’ll be in good shape! No matter what your plans, the Arc Store can show you 5 ways to save money on your nex

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Money Saving Tips: Easy & Delicious Crock Pot Meals For Your Family

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01/06/2015 1:11 AM

Things can be a bit tight after the holidays. You’ve been watching your bank account dwindle but still need to put a meal on the table for your family. We get it! That’s why we have compiled a list of money saving tips for crock pot mealsyou can try out and cook for your family


3 Home Budgeting Money Saving Tips for 2015

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01/02/2015 9:22 AM

If you’ve made a resolution to be more money savvy this year, or set a goal to save a certain amount of money for an emergency fund, family vacation or home improvements, then it’s time to put some money saving tips into action. We’ve given you some ideas below, then it&r

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5 Money Saving Tips For Buying Workout Clothing

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12/29/2014 2:29 AM

Can you believe it’s already a new year? You know what that means! New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight and working out is the most popular New Year’s resolution that is made year after year. 

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6 Ways to Save Money & Not Go Broke Buying Christmas Gifts

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12/01/2014 9:53 AM

Christmas shopping can be financially stressful, especially if you have a lot of friends and family to get gifts for. You definitely should keep reading if you want some ways to save money on Christmas gifts this year. Your wallet will thank you! 

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